Russian version of the Oxford Cognitive Screen
We provide a cultural and linguistic adaptation of the Oxford Cognitive Screen into Russian language (Rus-OCS). The Rus-OCS is a stroke specific cognitive screen designed to test number processing, memory, language, praxis, and executive functions.
Publication update
Academy of Aphasia conference abstracts titled "Cognitive profiles of fluent and non-fluent aphasia with the Russian version of Oxford Cognitive Screen" were published in the Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. Please check our poster presentation on the conference (27-29 October, 2019, Macau) or via the link.

Maria Shendyapina
We are a team of neuropsychologists from Moscow with extensive experience in research and practice.
Rus-OCS project was inspired by several years of our clinical work with stroke survivors.
The unique design of the Rus-OCS allows to detect any cognitive impairment given post-stroke functional disabilities, such as aphasia, visual neglect or apraxia.
Administration of the Rus-OCS takes approximately 15 minutes. It returns patient's cognitive profile in a form of visual snapshot.

Available Materials in Russian
(free of charge for all clinical use and publicly funded research)

1) Stimuli
2) Rus-OCS Manual
3) Testing Booklet

You are welcome to participate in the Rus-OCS data collection process.
Please contact us for the details.

Disclaimer: Anybody wanting to use the Rus-OCS must contact the copyright owners – Oxford University Innovation or apply via the online license request portal.

You can see the process of the Rus-OCS administration on a video where Maria Shendyapina conducts examination of a stroke patient in Russian.
Shendyapina, M., Su, I. F., & Weekes, B. (2020). Cognitive assessment and rehabilitation tools for stroke and dementia: An online survey of Russian speaking clinicians. Applied Neuropsychology: Adult, 1-20.
Shendyapina, M., Kuzmina, E., Kazymaev, S., Petrova, A., Demeyere, N., & Weekes, B. S. (2018). The Russian version of the Oxford Cognitive Screen: Validation study on stroke survivors. Neuropsychology. Advance online publication.
Shendyapina, M., Kuzmina, E., Kazymaev, S., Petrova, A., Riddoch, J., Humphreys, G., & Weekes, B.S. (2017). Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Conference Abstract: Academy of Aphasia 55th Annual Meeting. doi:10.3389/conf.fnhum.2017.223.00028
Kazymaev SA, Shendyapina MV, Kashina EM, Kazeykina TP, Kuzmina E, Shapovalenko TV, Lyadov K.V. (2016). Abstract in the conference "Diagnostics in medical (clinical) psychology: traditions and perspectives (to the 105th anniversary of S. Rubinshtein)"
Shendyapina M and Weekes BS (2019). Cognitive profiles of fluent and non-fluent aphasia with the Russian version of Oxford Cognitive Screen. Front. Hum. Neurosci. Conference Abstract: Academy of Aphasia 57th Annual Meeting. doi: 10.3389/conf.fnhum.2019.01.00038
The Rus-OCS team
We contacted the OCS developers and got permission to adapt and validate it for Russian-speaking patients.
Maria Shendyapina
Neuropsychologist, PhD reseacher
University of Hong Kong
Maria is a contact person and manager of the Rus-OCS project. She explored all way from patients data collection and protocol processing to writing a dissertation project and publishing results of the Rus-OCS study.
Sergey Kazymaev
Clinical Neuropsychologist
Treatment and Rehabilitation Center of Moscow
Sergey is an active specialist in neurorehabilitation clinic. His interest in the modern neuropsychological treatment helped us to actualize the entire process of patients data collection.
Ekaterina Kuzmina
Neuropsychologist, PhD
University of Oslo
Ekaterina is a person who actually inspired and translated the OCS project. She pioneered the idea of valid stroke assessment methods for Russian speaking patients. She is also
taking an active part in the data analysis and preparation of publications.
Anna Petrova
Neuropsychologist, PhD
Areas of expertise: neurolinguistics, bilingualism, sign language, embodied cognition

Anna kindly assisted us on the stages of research designing and stimuli translation. Her background in linguistics helped us to go through the process of language and cultural adaptation very efficiently.
Brendan Weekes
University of Hong Kong
Prof. Weekes is a primary supervisor of the Rus-OCS validation study. He constantly supported us during the preparation and editing of the publications and enthusiastically contributed to the development and implementation of the project in real clinical use.
Team of the Treatment and Rehabilitation Center
We are sincerely grateful to K. Lyadov, T. Shapovalenko, T. Rudakova, E. Kashina, O. Bezzubenko, A. Burova, and all team of Treatment and Rehabilitation Center of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia in 2016 for the support and contribution in a study workflow.
Plans and Development
We are open for partnership and cooperation!
Rus-OCS validation on stroke survivors
The Rus-OCS initial validation was performed in Moscow, so now we are especially interested in the patients data from different geografical regions and socio-economic levels.
Investigation and comparison of patients cognitive profiles in different neurological conditions
For example, in cases of traumatic brain injury, dementia, or cerebrovascular disease
Dynamics of patients cognitive functions during recovery and rehabilitation interventions
With use of the cognitive rehabilitation techniques (e.g. cognitive training, neurofeedback, TMS, tDCS) and / or data on neuroimaging studies (MRI).
Development and validation of the Rus-OCS tablet/online application
We are actively looking for developers who are ready to create the Rus-OCS tablet or computer-based application on a non-commercial basis.
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